Every year nearly seven thousand Indian students move abroad to pursue MBBS mainly due to high fees of pvt. medical colleges in India, high NEET cut-off in govt. colleges and very low number of medical seats available compared to the number of applicants. The eligibility for admission in MBBS abroad is just NEET qualifying score and PCB 50 % and above as per MCI currently.

Students joining medical colleges and universities abroad is rising steadfast every year and with that is rising confusion in selecting the institute and the country. Many points are there to remember and apply before selecting an university abroad, majorly three which are mentioned below :

1) The particular college or university you select should be MCI listed ( you can check it in here ) and the country must have good terms with India.

2) Do complete research of the university, its location, no. of students from India already studying there, weather conditions, accommodation and mess charges before you pay the fees. Make sure to apply MCI eligibility before you leave India ( quick link to get the details )

3) Try to know the actual fees of the university and additional charges which you are paying, take a count of that. Extra's along with fees are mainly student visa, air ticket, travel insurance charges.

The main advantages of studying MBBS abroad are as follows:

1) Cost Effective - No donation or additional capitation fees is to be paid apart from tuition fees. The fees of private medical colleges or university fees in India is around INR 75-80 lacs  and to get into government medical college is very tough due to low number of seat and high NEET cut off show. Even the cost of NEET preparation is very high and doesn't assure a confirmed seat. Compared to all these, getting MBBS abroad is easy and hassle free and best part same status after clearing FMGE.

2) You can join a medical government university abroad without giving any entrance. Many top countries have govt. medical universities for foreign students, with that you will get World class infra, International exposure, get to learn new language, foreign background and ethnicity.

3) Clearing FMGE is easy compared to before. It is held twice a year in the month of June and December and one needs to score 50% to be declared pass. (You can get the more details here )

Along with all mentioned above, you must also keep a count on the disadvantages below :

1) The tenure of the course abroad is more compared to India, atleast six months to one year extra for completing the course.

2) Few nations have additional entry and exit exam. Make sure to take note of that before finalising a college abroad.

3) Even if you do internship from the respective college or university abroad, you have to do it again in India after clearing FMGE. Moreover, doing medical internship abroad would be more like an observer and the patients would speak in their local language which will be difficult during practice and consultation

Concluding here stating that no matter you pursue MBBS in India or Abroad, the love for this noble profession, the passion to treat and heal others  and constant practice will make you the best Doctor.

Good Luck to all medical aspirants and future Doctors.


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